11 Plus Exam Tips and Techniques
This FREE 15-minute webinar is aimed at supporting both children and their parents. Every year, around 100,000 children take an 11+ exam, hoping for a place at an independent or grammar school. It is highly likely that your child has been preparing for the exam, focusing on building up confidence and filling in gaps in subject knowledge. Now it’s time for them to prepare for the more practical side of the exam. This webinar answers eight questions that you might have about the exam.
Would you like to hear our top exam tips and techniques for children taking an 11+ examination?
This FREE 15-minute webinar is aimed at supporting both children and their parents. Every year, around 100,000 children take an 11+ exam, hoping for a place at an independent or grammar school. It is highly likely that your child has been preparing for the exam, focusing on building up confidence and filling in gaps in subject knowledge. Now it's time for them to prepare for the more practical side of the exam. This webinar answers eight questions that you might have about the exam.
What is discussed in the webinar?
- What will be in the exam?
- What will be the exam format?
- What is an adaptive exam?
- How can I prepare?
- What are the timings on the day?
- What do I bring and wear?
- What if I panic?
- How will I be assessed?
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